GORE-TEX Certified Footwear Factory

gore tex cma certification top union

A New Milestone!

TopUnion is proud to be a GORE-TEX Certified Footwear Manufacturer. Gore closely collaborates with its partners to produce qualified products. Only manufacturers with the CMA certificate (Certified Manufacturer Agreement) are allowed to produce GORE-TEX® shoes or other products. Our Direct Injection Process (DIP), combined with the superior waterproof GORE-TEX membrane, is a winning formula. This ensures unparalleled waterproofness, comfort, and performance in every pair of footwear we produce.

Outstanding GORE-TEX

GORE-TEX is the gold standard in waterproof materials. 

The GORE-TEX® membrane contains over 1.4 billion microscopic pores, which are approximately 20,000 times smaller than a drop of water, but 700 times larger than a molecule of moisture vapor. Therefore, while water in its liquid form can’t penetrate the GORE-TEX membrane, perspiration can pass through and escape. This ensures that the shoes remain waterproof and breathable.

Perfecting the Process

Earning the GORE-TEX CMA certification was a challenging journey. We follow each step of the process carefully, making sure that every shoe we make is crafted to the highest standards set by GORE-TEX. Dive into our manufacturing process – from cutting and stitching to assembling and testing.

Reliability in Testing

Only footwear that meets the high standards of GORE-TEX testing is deemed fit for production. At TopUnion, our GORE-TEX waterproof shoes undergo rigorous tests to prove their quality:

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Centrifuge Testing

Shoes from production are assessed for water leakage using a 30-minute centrifuge test.

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Breathability Testing

Shoes are placed in a climate chamber on 'sweating' artificial feet to evaluate breathability.

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Wet Flex Testing

Waterproofness is determined by flexing the shoes on artificial feet in a water bath.

Learning and Improving

Every setback is an opportunity to learn. If a shoe fails our testing process, we dissect it, pinpoint the source of leakage, and then adjust our manufacturing process accordingly. From dissection to leakage testing in our Bootie Test Machine (BTM), we ensure that every failure brings us one step closer to perfection.

Partnership Awaits

Explore more about our GORE-TEX Certified footwear manufacturing capabilities.